Vision for OMDV

The dream and vision is to build a global media and investing platform that invests in human potential through working with entrepreneurs to build as many utopian organizations as possible.

Simply put, to be a great investor of people. If I can change the world in the process, that would be awesome.

My definition of a utopian organization is a wonderful business that has designed an environment where individuals are incentivized to pursue self-mastery.

This started from my career as a value investor where from studying hundreds of wonderful businesses, I learned their long-term financial success resulted from sustainable competitive advantages.

I believe the first principle to building sustainable competitive advantages start with investing in human potential. The path to unlock human potential starts with the individual’s pursuit of self-mastery.

I believe humans are the product of their environment and for the organization to succeed over a long period of time, it will need to rely on the strengths of its people.

Businesses will have an ever greater influence over an individual's life than countries do. This means organizations have a responsibility to shape the society of tomorrow and creating an environment where the default behaviour is to seek maximal personal development (i.e. self-mastery) is a start.

Through OMDV, my mission is to help leaders build such utopian organizations. Organizations where financial performance results from human performance. Performance that results from individuals thriving.

I have a bias towards 'small giants' that use the anti-fragility of small to their advantage. It also aligns with my belief of doing ‘more with less’.

If I had to put a number on it, I hope to have helped 100 million people on their journey of self-mastery.

Here is a lengthier thought on WHY this I think this is important.

As I learn and experience more, this vision may shift. However, I do not believe the core of it to change. It's also not something I plan to rush into but take my time with the assumption that I will be around forever to make it come to fruition.

Influences: Berkshire Hathaway, Semco,, Tiny Capital, Basecamp, Y-Combinator,, Farnam Street, Constellation Software, Lowercase Capital