This Week I Learned #83
“Go to bed smarter than when you woke up”
Learned about the Camino de Santiago. A pilgrimage that has dozens of routes that start from various cities in France, Spain, Portugal Switzerland and other European countries. Routes that are as long 800km that are walked by thousands. Though it’s a pilgrimage it’s completed by hundreds of thousands of people who are not religious but as a sort of meditative retreat for the self. Most people walk about 25km at a time with some even walking 100kms. The documentary I watched showed folks in their 20s and also those in their 50s to 70s with an older gentleman having done it 23x even after being diagnosed with cancer. Some of the routes are UNESCO heritage sites as well and such a long meditative practice has definitely got me thinking about ways I could replicate something in the future as well.
Jim Collins is the famed business author of Good to Great and Built to Last. Little did I know that Jim started his career as a management consultant and within 18 months, left it to join HP. After going through his own introspection process he realized that he was better suited to teaching and learning about businesses so he went on to teach and research at Stanford. He then expanded on his research at Stanford while at his own executive research lab to write Built to Last. Quite the fascinating and exciting story that I wish there was a way to expand on. I heard this story from the book Creative Confidence.
Alex Hillman, co-working entrepreneur, tweet storm on entrepreneurship. Very much enjoyed reading his 30 opinions and opinions 5, 6, 27, 28, and 29 hit a chord with me. All surrounded on building a service based business to start off with and then thinking about recurring revenue and all around setting expectations ahead on things that are actually really hard.
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw
"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." - George Bernard Shaw