#53 - Learning on Brad Feld’s early career, picking a place to build a life, model on monthly sprints and coaching

July 28, 2020: Short learning episode from Tim Ferriss’ interview with Brad Feld. Key learnings for me were on the idea of “Topaphillia” in picking a city to live in, perspective on the early part of his career that isn’t mentioned in pop-media, the difference between a coach and therapist with mentions of Jerry Colonna and the monthly system he uses with his wife and how I think that has a wider application in organizations.

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Episode Notes:

Tim Ferriss Podcast - Brad Feld — The Art of Unplugging, Carving Your Own Path, and Riding the Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster

  • Love the strategy of scheduling a dinner every month to make it constructive. Featuring a random gift. Then splitting it into two sessions of the first being a reflection of the past month and the second part looking at the sprint for the month after… It makes me think about not only having it in a relationship but also having it in an organization and having the coach of the company lead this for an entire organization. 

  • The difference between a coach and therapist and why Reboot works. The value of combining radical self inquiry with the development of specific skills. 

  • Topaphillia => love of place… how Feld chose to find a place he could build a life in… not adapt to a city because of some opportunity 

  • Perspective on the roller coaster of life from a high achiever => runs a company while getting a PhD at MIT, gets divorced, kicked out of PhD program and has a company (though successful) that makes him miserable. 

  • https://tim.blog/2020/07/23/brad-feld/

PodcastsDaniel Lee